Varna University of Management (former International University College),  is an international business school located in Europe, Bulgaria. Students from over 40 countries receive excellent education in Business and Marketing, IT, Tourism and Hospitality Management, Gastronomy and Culinary Arts.

Dear Students, Colleagues and Friends,
The first business school in Bulgaria with accreditation from the British Council
VUM Ranks 13th for its MBA Degree in Eduniversal for Eastern Europe
New Term
New term starts in October 2015
Apply for a scholarship now!
Successful Business Leaders
Successful businesses prefer successful business leaders trained by the standards of VUM
They choose to be successful!


  • VUM has been granted 3 Palmes of Excellence - EXCELLENT business school with reinforcing international influence by PALMES for Eastern Europe;
  • 13th for its MBA degree for Eastern Europe, by EDUNIVERSAL;
  • 7th place according to the criterion of “International Orientation” among business schools in Central and Eastern Europe by U-Multirank;
  • Top 40 based on the Criterion for General Performances among the business schools in Central and Eastern Europe by U-Multirank;
  • 235th among business schools in the world per the Social Science Research Network (SSRN),  based on the number of publications by VUM faculty and students.

Double Degree with Cardiff Met

  • Cardiff Metropolitan University (Cardiff Met) is an internationally recognized institution of higher education, which has four campuses and over 14 000 students from 125 countries;
  • Its Faculty of Management is the largest MBA Faculty in the United Kingdom;
  • The accreditation granted by Cardiff Met gives our students the unique opportunity to obtain a British MBA Degree after completing all three semesters at VUM, Bulgaria.
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Why an MBA?

Why MBA photo
There are many benefits of getting your MBA and the most significant one is the  great career opportunities in today’s corporate world.

“According to a 2013 survey by the Graduate Management Admission Council, Ninety-two percent (92%) of class of 2012 alumni were employed at graduation—the highest employment rate reported in this survey for any graduating class since 2003. Nearly 7 in 10 had secured a job before leaving graduate business school. Оverall, 85 percent of alumni attribute the advancement in their careers to their graduate business education. (...) Not only do MBA graduates have better employment options, they also earn more money than people who haven’t been awarded the degree.”

VUM is a top choice for getting your MBA degree. The institution is one of the very few places in Bulgaria where you can study international business in truly international environment. The courses are taught entirely in English. Classes are small and encourage cross-cultural dialogue and personal connections. As a top business school in Bulgaria, VUM gained the trust of Cardiff Met to award British degrees. We carry the exceptional privilige to award degrees without the usual requirement for students to spend a year in the UK. 

Why an MBA at VUM?

- VUM is the number one business school in Bulgaria;
- education takes place in small groups so that every student receives individual attention and support. VUM adopts a case-based learning approach;
- one of the very few schools in the country where students can study international business in an international environment;
- we teach entirely in English;
- VUM is the only higher education institution in Bulgaria, which provides the prestigious MBA programme of Cardiff Metropolitan University (Cardiff Met), UK;

Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities Photo
As an MBA graduate, you can add not only banking, financial management, accounting, and economics to your long list of possible career option but you can use this as a start point for higher-level positions in other fields as well. An MBA can open doors for management positions in any field. Some of the top MBA careers include positions in public relations, advertising, sales, marketing, and event management.

The Career Center at VUM has solid contacts with multinational companies which is a great opportunity for a brilliant start in the field of business administration. Many students, upon successful graduation, earn the chance of being on a top executive position in companies worldwide.

VUM prepares its masters for the highly competitive labour market and provides them practical advice and expertise.
VUM maintains excellent connections with the businesses field and place its students in different agencies, governmental institutions, NGO and other organisations in the UK, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Lithuania, Latvia, etc.

Course Content

Course Contect Photo
Location: Varna campus or Sofia campus, Bulgaria;

Language of instruction: English;

Duration: 3 - 4 semesters;

Double Degree: British Master Degree issued by Cardiff Metropolitan, UK and Bulgarian Master Degree awarded by Varna University of Management;

Core Modules:
People & Organisations; Accounting for Decision Makers; Marketing; Supply and Operations Management; Strategic Management; Dissertation/Start-up a business/Proposed;

Project Elective Modules:
Project Management Theory and Practice; Project Management Case Studies; Finance for International Business; Capital Markets and Derivatives; Managing People in a Global Context; Leadership and Developing People; Product Development Management; Managing the Product ; Development Process; Buyer Behaviour and Relationships in a Global Context; Strategic Global Marketing; Health Cognitive Informatics; Health Sector Project Management.

- education takes place in small groups so that every student receives individual attention and support. VUM implements a case-based learning approach;

Start date: October 2015

For further information: please use the contact form below or go to our old website (the website is still active but the information inside may be outdated).

Scholarships and Tuition Fees

Tuition Fees: 
Home/ EU* students - 1350 euro per semester; 
International students - 1650 euro per semester.

Both EU and International students can apply for a scholarship at the amount of up to EUR 1000 applicable to the full period of study. The amount of the scholarship for the first year depends on both the score received at the particular language exam, which the student has held (IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, etc.) and the required application documents.

The scholarship is awarded in two equal parts during the second in third semester if the student shows good academic performance (in the first semester).

- VUM can provide financial aid for accommodation as a part of the scholarship for those who apply;

- EU students can also apply for state-guaranteed low-interest student loans.

For further information: please use the contact form below or go to our old website (the website is still active but the information inside may be outdated).

* (If you hold an EU passport or Bulgarian birth certificate or an EU ID Card, you classify as a Home/ EU student; all other students classify as International.)


Admissions Photo
Applicants should meet the following criteria:
- posses, or expect to obtain, a Bachelor’s degree from a recognized university;
- the programme is conducted in English, and therefore international candidates are expected to have an IELTS
qualification. The IELTS score should be no lower than 6,5. If a candidate does not posess an IELTS certification, he/she can take a language exam at VUM.

The following criteria will be considered as a competitive advantage:
- relevant management experience;
- a relevant professional or other qualification;

For further information: please use the contact form below or go to our old website (the website is still active but the information inside may be outdated).


Dormitory Photo
Our students can take advantage of our modern dormitory. The flats consist of both single and double rooms furnished suitably for students.

For further information: please use the contact form below or go to our old website (the website is still active but the information inside may be outdated).

Why a Master’s Degree in International Hospitality and Tourism Management?

This course has been designed to meet the needs of tourism industry managers, executives and other professionals both for the present and the future.

Our intensive and wide approach prepares you for a vast range of possible careers in hospitality, travel and tourism. The International Hospitality and Tourism Management (IHTM) students study a synchronized curriculum with Cardiff Metropolitan University and have to meet the same high standards in examinations.

Career opportunities

VUM`s graduates become managers, leaders, and entrepreneurs within all the sectors of the hospitality and tourism industry in different parts of the world. After graduation our graduates take up employment opportunities in official tourist organisations, transportation companies, hotels, tour operating and travel agency companies, governmental institutions and other organisations where knowledge of tourism management is highly important. 

VUM maintains excellent connections with businesses in the field of hospitality and tourism industry in the UK, Spain, Malta, South Africa, USA, etc. 

Course Content

Location: Varna, Bulgaria;

Language of instruction: English;

Duration: 3 - 4 semesters;

Double Degree: British Master Degree issued by Cardiff Metropolitan, UK and Bulgarian Master Degree awarded by Varna University of Management;

Modules Include: 
Managing People and Marketing across Cultures Tourism, Hospitality and Events Industries in Context, Industry Project Management, Internship, Exploring Hospitality and Tourism Landscapes, Research Methods, Dissertation / Enterprise Project / Consultancy Project.

Start date: October 2015

For further information: please use the contact form below or go to our old website (the website is still active but the information inside may be outdated).

Scholarships and tuition fees

Tuition fees: 
– home/EU* students: € 1100 per semester;
- international students: €1300 per semester;

Both EU and International students can apply for scholarships. The size of the scholarship for the first year depends on the score on the particular language exam the student held (IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, etc.). For every year after the first, the size of the scholarship is based on academic results.

For further information: please use the contact form below or go to our old website (the website is still ative but the information inside may be outdated).


Applicants should meet the following criteria:
- possess, or expect to obtain, a Bachelor’s degree from a recognized university
- the programme is conducted in English, and therefore international candidates are expected to have an IELTS qualification. The IELTS score should be no lower than 6,5. If a candidate does not posess an IELTS certification, he/she can take a language exam at VUM.

For further information: please use the contact form below or go to our old website (the website is still active but the information inside may be outdated).

* (If you hold an EU passport or Bulgarian birth certificate or an EU ID Card, you classify as a Home/ EU student; all other students classify as International.)


Our students can take advantage of our modern dormitory. The flats consist of both single and double rooms furnished suitably for students.

For further information: please use the contact form below or go to our old website (the website is still active but the information inside may be outdated).


How do I apply?
We are currently working on a new website for the university, which will contain all the details about the application process. In the meantime, use the contact details provided to receive the most up-to-date information regarding application to our programmes. The information on our old website ( may be outdated and is not to be relied on.
What are my opportunities after graduation?
VUM prides itself in the high number of students who are employed immediately after graduation. Most of our alumni take top positions as managers in renowned hotel chains, high-ranking bank officials, entrepreneurs, corporate officers. Our Career Centre is committed to keeping excellent relations with prestigious employers and we regularly host various hiring events where you can meet in person with your prospective employer. 
What kind of degree will I get? 
Our Master’s students receive either an MBA Master of Business Administration or a Master in International Hospitality and Tourism Management. They also get a British degree issued by Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK.
Can I combine work and study?
Our Master’s programmes are designed with working students in mind. Classes are set in the evening and on Saturdays. As our Master’s classes take place in our Varna and Sofia (the capital of the country) campuses, you will be able to take full advantage of the employment opportunities that a big city has to offer. 
Can I travel during my studies? 
As a Master’s student you have the opportunity to participate in the Erasmus + programme and spend a semester in another European university.
What is the language of instruction at VUM?
All classes are taught in English.
Where will I study? 
Master’s classes take place either in Varna or Sofia. 
Isn’t the tuition fee too high? 
Only for a fraction of the price for studying in the UK, at VUM, you can get a British diploma. Classes are small and you receive nearly individual attention. We take a lot of efforts to make sure that you will get real intership or placement. At the end of the day, adding the opportunity for a scholarship, the cost of studying at VUM is a good deal for what you get.

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 or chat with us on Skype: ​Varna-University-of-Management
available: Mon-Fri 10am–5pm GMT+3
tel: 00359 58 655 630
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Campus Varna - Varna University of Management
13 A Oborishte Str.
9000 Varna, Bulgaria
Campus Varna Map - Varna University of Management
campus Dobrich - Varna University of Management
3 Bulgaria Str.
9300 Dobrich, Bulgaria
Campus Dobrich Map - Varna University of Management
campus Sofia - Varna University of Management
Tsarigradsko shosse 149 B
1784 Sofia, Bulgaria
Campus Sofia Map - Varna University of Management
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