Varna University of Management (former International University College),  is an international business school located in Europe, Bulgaria. Students from over 40 countries receive excellent education in Business and Marketing, IT, Tourism and Hospitality Management, Gastronomy and Culinary Arts.

Scholarships and Financial aid
Dear Students, Colleagues and Friends,
Scholarships and Financial aid
Scholarships & financial aid for top candidates from any country
International environment
VUM is the only higher school in Bulgaria to study international business in a truly international environment.
Top Employers perefer students from VUM
Top employers from North America, Europe and Asia prefer students from VUM
Varna new campus
They choose to be successful!
Agenda for the future
Success is not a matter of chance.
At VUM we build the agenda for your future


  • VUM has been granted 3 Palmes of Excellence - we are one of the best business schools  in Eastern Europe, with reinforcing international influence;
  • BEST MASTER’S degree in Eastern Europe, according to EDUNIVERSAL;
  • 7th place by Multirank according to the criteria of “International Orientation” among business schools in Central and Eastern Europe;
  • Top 40 based on the criteria for General Performances among the business schools in Central and Eastern Europe by U-Multirank;
  • 235th among business schools in the world according to the Social Science Research Network (SSRN),  based on the number of publications by VUM faculty and its students.

Double Degrees

  • Cardiff Metropolitan University (Cardiff Met), UK is an internationally recognized institution of higher education, which has four campuses and over 14 000 students from 125 countries more...
...The accreditation granted by Cardiff Met provides our students the opportunity to graduate with two Bachelor’s degrees - Bulgarian BA and BA (Hons)/ Bsc (Hons) from Cardiff Met after successful completion of 6 semesters in the English language programmes at VUM, Bulgaria.
  • Stenden University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands (Stenden University) is an international and multi-cultural university, with over 90 nationalities attending, with offices in the Netherlands and internationally more...
...VUM students participating in this programme will obtain two Bachelor degrees - Bulgarian BA and a degree from Stenden University accredited by the NVAO, an independent accreditation organisation in the Netherlands. Your degree is widely recognized within and outside Europe.
  • Business and Hotel Management School, Switzerland (BHMS) is a member of the Bénédict Switzerland group of schools, founded in 1928 and one of Switzerland's largest private educational organizations more...
...accepting more than 15 000 students each year in programmes such as information technology, commerce, business management and more. VUM students can transfer the third year to BHMS (lectures during the 5th semester and  a 6-month paid internship during the 6th semester). After successful completion of the three years of study, the students are awarded Swiss and Bulgarian higher education diplomas.
  • University College Birmingham, UK (UCB) is based in Birmingham City Centre. It has over 8 000 students, including 1100 international students from 65 countries more...
...In 2004 University College Birmingham was accredited with the “Investors in People” Gold Standard. VUM students can transfer during the third year to UCB. Upon successful completion they obtain a Bulgarian BA and a British BSc degree, approved by the Privy Council, strengthening the university’s
position as a first-class higher education institution.
BAC Logo
Multirank Logo
Eduniversal Logo


Why choose a business degree at VUM?

business at vum
“Business and business-related subjects (such as the ‘FAME’ group – finance, accounting, management and economics) are among the most popular fields of study at universities worldwide, especially for graduates. You might have some vague ideas about why this is the case – business graduates are in high demand worldwide, business touches on pretty much every aspect of modern human society, careers with a business degree are diverse and often highly paid – and these assumptions are likely to be largely true.” (

Our highly international orientation, innovative curriculum and scientific achievements – a result of our solid business contacts – guarantee an advanced base of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in a wide array. At VUM you can specialize your business studies in marketing, management, finance and trade, business administration. 

Career Opportunities

VUM strives to establish a good balance between theoretical and practical skills.
It encourages students to put theory into practice by demonstrating the skills they have developed in real-life situations. The students are placed for a compulsory internship after the first and the second year of their education in different international companies in various departments. VUM maintains excellent connections with businesses as different agencies, government, NGO and other organisations in the UK, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Lithuania, Latvia, etc.
VUM`s students, educating in the field of Business, are qualified to occupy positions in the field of strategic management and marketing, international business planning, HR, brand management, sales, finance and in many other realms of global business.The students from the School of Business and Marketing are placed on internships within Strategic
development, Retail, Communications, Content development, Marketing, Human
Resources, etc.

Courses available

courses available

Business Administration:
Location: Dobrich/ Varna/ Sofia, Bulgaria

Language of instruction: English

Duration of studies: 4 years (8 semesters)  

Double Degree:
Bulgarian Bachelor Degree and British BA (Hons) from Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK (Note: you can study all three years at VUM Bulgaria);  
Bulgarian Bachelor Degree and a Degree from a Partner University from the UK, the Netherlands, Switzerland and more (Note: you need to study the third year at in one of VUM’s partner universities);  

Core modules: Economics and business environment; Marketing and business communications; Research methods; Accounting and Finance; Management, HR Management; International economic relations;  Change management; Strategic management;

Elective modules: Entrepreneurship incl. Managerial accounting, Project management, Entrepreneurship; Business planning incl. Business planning, Project management, Financial planning; Specialized modules 1/ 2 or 3

Specialized Modules: Capital markets; branding; Leadership; Information Systems Management; Law; Trade; Economics;

Specialized disciplines: Strategic Human resource management; Organizational Behavior; Financial Management; Knowledge management; Trade Law; Intellectual Property and more;

Marketing and management:
Location: Dobrich/ Varna/ Sofia, Bulgaria

Language of instruction: English

Duration of studies: 3 years (6 semesters)  

Double Degree:
Bulgarian Bachelor Degree and British BA (Hons) from Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK (Note: you can study all three years at VUM Bulgaria);  
Bulgarian Bachelor Degree and a Degree from a Partner University from the UK, the Netherlands, Switzerland and more (Note: you need to study the third year at in one of VUM’s partner universities);  

Core modules: Economics and business environment; Marketing and business communications; Research methods; Accounting and Finance; Management, HR Management; Organizational Behavior;  Marketing Research and communications; Entrepreneurship; Business Planning; Strategic management;  

Elective modules: Consumer behavior; International marketing; Marketing management; Relations marketing; Leadership; Branding; E-business;

International Finance and Trade
Location: Sofia, Bulgaria

Language of instruction: English

Duration of studies: 4 years (8 semesters)  

Double Degree:
Bulgarian Bachelor Degree and British BA (Hons) from Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK (Note: you can study all three years at VUM Bulgaria);  

Core modules: Economics and business environment; Marketing and business communications; Research methods; Accounting and Finance; Law Basics; Financial accounting; Trade Law; Quantity methods in finance; Corporate finance; Analysis and evaluation for investment projects; Financial bookkeeping; International trade; Personal Finance; International financial management; Behavioural finance; International accounting; Entrepreneurship; 

Elective modules: Business economics; Organizational behaviour; Business operations; Financial fraud prevention; International trade politics; Financial markets; Public Finance management; Tax politics; European economic development and integration;

International Business and Management (IBM)
Location: Varna, Dobrich, Sofia, Bulgaria 

Language of instruction: English 

Duration of studies: 3 years (6 semesters)   

Double Degree: 
Bulgarian Bachelor Degree and British BA (Hons) from Cardiff Metropolitan
University, UK (Note: you can study all three years at VUM Bulgaria);   

Core modules: Economics and business environment; Marketing and
business communications; Research methods; Accounting and Finance; Law Basics;
Financial accounting; Accounting and Finance; Management: Management, HR
Management; Organizational behavior: Intercultural business knowledge;
Organizational behavior; Marketing research and Marketing communications;

Elective modules:
Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship, Project management, Managerial accounting;
Business planning: Business planning, Projects management, Financial planning; International business and intercultural differences; Change management; International marketing; Strategic management and Information systems;

Start date: October 2015; February 2016

For further information: please use the contact form below or go to our old website (the website is still active but the information inside may be outdated).

Scholarships and Tuition fees

Scholarships and tution fees
Tuition Fees: 
Home/ EU* students - 1500 euro per semester; 
International students - 1950 euro per semester;

Both EU and International students can apply for a scholarship at the amount of up to EUR 1000 applicable to the full period of study. The amount of the scholarship for the first year depends on both the score received at the particular language exam, which the student has held (IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, etc.) and the required application documents.
The scholarship is awarded in two equal parts during the second and third semester if the student shows good academic performance (in the first semester).

Need Based Financial Aid: VUM can provide financial aid for accommodation for students in need; 

- EU students can also apply for state-guaranteed low-interest student loans.

For further information: please use the contact form below or go to our old website (the website is still active but the information inside may be outdated).


Entry Requirements
Applicants should meet the following criteria: 

-posses, or expect to obtain, a diploma for secondary education from a recognized secondary school (high school);

-prove intermediate level of English language: TOEFL IBT with score of min. 79 points; SAT – over 1000 points from two sections; IELTS 6.0 (or equivalent score from other internationally recognized testing systems); if none of the following is available, an English language test by VUM is required (in person or online); 

–demonstrate strong motivation fulfill the objectives of, and successfully complete, the programme of study for which they have applied;

For further information: please use the contact form below or go to our old website (the website is still active but the information inside may be outdated).


Key Facts
Our students can take advantage of our modern dormitory. The flats consist of both single and double rooms furnished suitably for students. 

For further information: please use the contact form below or go to our old website (the website is still active but the information inside may be outdated).

Why choose a career in Hospitality or Tourism?

Why a career in Hospitality or Tourism
“According to the 2009 Trends & Statistics survey by the British Hospitality Association (BHA), around 1.9 million people now work in the industry.
The chances are, if you’re reading this, you’re one of them!
(...) Yes, the shifts can be long and tiring, but you'll rarely find someone with a hospitality job who doesn't have a passion for it. Here are just ten of the reasons why a career in hospitality is well...great! – you make people’s day, it’s creative, it opens a door to the world, there’s no need to get stuck, you can take on early responsibility, not 9-5, clear route in, great perks, great atmosphere, it's a safe bet” (

VUM has long traditions in developing hospitality leaders since 1996. VUM has been the first higher school in Bulgaria which presents unique teaching techniques as problem-based learning and case-based learning. VUM is also the first university which presents double degree programmes with renowned universities from the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Switzerland, France and more. Our graduates, their innovative education and unique knowledge, have been the change agents in Bulgarian hospitality industry.

Career Opportunities

VUM maintains excellent connections with businesses and boasts a long-standing success of placing its students with top employers in the UK, Germany, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Malta etc. The VUM graduates have the opportunity tо dо an internships for up to 18 months in the USA.
After graduation our graduates take up employment opportunities in official tourist organisations,transportation companies, hotels, tour operating and travel agency companies, government and other organisations where knowledge of tourism management is important.

Courses available

Courses Available

Hospitality Management:

Location: Dobrich/ Varna, Bulgaria

Language of instruction: English

Duration of studies: 3 years (6 semesters)  

Double Degree:
Bulgarian Bachelor Degree and British BA (Hons) from Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK (Note: you can study all three years at VUM Bulgaria);  

Bulgarian Bachelor Degree and a Degree from a Partner University from the UK, the Netherlands, Switzerland and more (Note: you need to study the third year at in one of VUM’s partner universities);

Core Subjects: Economics and business environment; Marketing and Business communications; Research methods, Information technologies; Management; HR management; Introduction to tourism; Tour operators Travel agents and Transport activities; Hotel management; Hotel software; Entrepreneurship; Strategic management, Business Planning, Project Management, etc. Unique Features: Opportunity to specialize in E-business in hospitality, Branding in hospitality, Contemporary issues in hospitality, Corporate Finance in hospitality;

Marketing and Management of the Tourist Services:
Location: Dobrich/ Varna, Bulgaria

Language of instruction: English

Duration of studies: 3 years (6 semesters)  

Double Degree:
Bulgarian Bachelor Degree and British BA (Hons) from Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK (Note: you can study all three years at VUM Bulgaria);  

Bulgarian Bachelor Degree and a Degree from a Partner University from the UK, the Netherlands, Switzerland and more (Note: you need to study the third year at in one of VUM’s partner universities);

Core Subjects: Economics and business environment; Marketing and Business communications; Research methods, Information technologies; Management; HR management; Introduction to tourism; Tour operators Travel agents and Transport activities; Hotel management; Hotel software; Entrepreneurship; Strategic management, Business Planning, Project Management, etc. Unique Features: Opportunity to specialize in particular type of tourism such as golf, congress, adventure, eco and alternative, spa and wellness, gambling tourism and tourism of cultural-historic heritage;

Start date: October, 2015; February, 2016

For further information: please use the contact form below or go to our old website (the website is still active but the information inside may be outdated).

Scholarships and Tuition fees

Scholarships and tution fees
Tuition Fees: 
Home/ EU* students - 1500 euro per semester; 
International students - 1950 euro per semester;

Both EU and International students can apply for a scholarship at the amount of up to EUR 1000 applicable to the full period of study. The amount of the scholarship for the first year depends on both the score received at the particular language exam, which the student has held (IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, etc.) and the required application documents.
The scholarship is awarded in two equal parts during the second in third semester if the student shows good academic performance (in the first semester).

- VUM can provide financial aid for accommodation as a part of the scholarship for those who apply; 

- EU students can also apply for state-guaranteed low-interest student loans.

For further information: please use the contact form below or go to our old website (the website is still active but the information inside may be outdated).


Key Facts
Applicants should meet the following criteria:

-possess, or expect to obtain, a diploma for secondary education from a recognized secondary (high school);

-prove intermediate level of English language: TOEFL IBT with score of min. 79 points; SAT – over 1000 points from two sections; IELTS 6.0 (or equivalent score from other internationally recognized testing systems); if none of the following is available, an English language test by VUM is required (in person or online); 

–demonstrate strong motivation fulfill the objectives of, and successfully complete, the programme of study for which they have applied; 

For further information: please use the contact form below or go to our old website (the website is still active but the information inside may be outdated).


Key Facts
Our students can take advantage of our modern dormitory. The flats consist of both single and double rooms furnished suitably for students. 

For further information: please use the contact form below or go to our old website (the website is still active but the information inside may be outdated).

Why a degree in Computer Science?

Why computer sciences
 Computer Science is about understanding computer systems and networks at a deep level. Computers and the programs they run are among the most complex products ever created; designing and using them effectively presents immense challenges. 

By joining our School of Computer sciences, you will gain knowledge of the latest technologies and a grounding in the underlying principles of computer science and its core subjects, which will enable you resolve these immense challenges.

Career opportunities

Career opportunities
According to the renowned Brainbench Global IT IQ Report  Bulgaria takes third place in Europe for certified IT specialists. Nine out of 10 firms are suffering IT and telecoms shortage which is delaying the development of new products and services, marks the report.” (

The majors in the School of computer sciences are provided in response to the increasing demand for specialists in the field of Information Technologies applied to business. The programmes are focused on the development of knowledge of students in the field of computerized information systems and software systems, which is a substantial function of every modern organization. Those who graduate these programmes enjoy very good opportunities for professional realization as managers or consultants in the IT departments of many public, trades, financial or non-economic organizations.
VUM has signed several Agreements for cooperation for placing students from the School of computer sciences, after the first and the second year of their education for a compulsory internship, in the UK, Spain, and Bulgaria.  

Courses available

Courses available

Software Systems and Technologies*:
Location: Sofia/Varna, Bulgaria

Language of instruction: English;

Duration of studies: 3 years (6 semesters);  

Core modules:
Maths for Software engineering; Specifications and design; Basics of Programming; Object-oriented programming; Computer networks and systems; Structures of data and algorithms; Database design; Web programming (java, PHP,.NET); Security; Parallel programming; Software architecture; Software projects management; Entrepreneurship; 

Elective modules: 

Samples of design; Optimized modelling; Software testing;

Business Information Systems:
Location: Dobrich/Varna, Bulgaria

Language of instruction: English;

Duration of studies: 3 years (6 semesters);

Bulgarian Bachelor Degree and British BA (Hons) from Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK (Note: you can study all three years at VUM Bulgaria)

Core modules: Economics and Business environment; Marketing and business communications; Research methods; Basics of programming; Business applications; Management incl. Management, HR management; Introduction to information systems incl. Introduction to Information systems, introduction to database; introduction to multimedia applications and internet; Project Development of information Systems; Business Information Systems; Project management of information systems; Professional and ethical problems in Information systems management;

Elective modules:
Entrepreneurship; Business planning; Multimedia 1; Security of Information Systems; Computer networks; Database; Security of computer systems and in Internet;
* In process of validation

Start date: October 2015; February 2016

For further information: please use the contact form below or go to our old website (the website is still ative but the information inside may be outdated).

Scholarships and Tuition fees

Scholarships and tution fees
Tuition Fees: 
Home/ EU* students - 1500 euro per semester; 
International students - 1950 euro per semester;

Both EU and International students can apply for a scholarship at the amount of up to EUR 1000 applicable to the full period of study. The amount of the scholarship for the first year depends on both the score received at the particular language exam, which the student has held (IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, etc.) and the required application documents.
The scholarship is awarded in two equal parts during the second in third semester if the student shows good academic performance (in the first semester).

- VUM can provide financial aid for accommodation as a part of the scholarship for those who apply;
- EU students can also apply for state-guaranteed low-interest student loans.

For further information: please use the contact form below or go to our old website (the website is still active but the information inside may be outdated).


Applicants should meet the following criteria:

- possess, or expect to obtain, a diploma for secondary education from a recognized secondary (high school);

- prove intermediate level of English language: TOEFL IBT with score of min. 79 points; SAT – over 1000 points from two sections; IELTS 6.0 (or equivalent score from other internationally recognized testing systems); if none of the following is available, an English language test by VUM is required (in person or online);
–demonstrate strong motivation fulfill the objectives of, and successfully complete, the programme of study for which they have applied;

For further information: please use the contact form below or go to our old website (the website is still active but the information inside may be outdated).


Our students can take advantage of our modern dormitory. The flats consist of both single and double rooms furnished suitably for students.
* (If you hold an EU passport or Bulgarian birth certificate or an EU ID Card, you classify as a Home/ EU student; all other students classify as International.)


How do I apply?
We are currently working on a new website for the university, which will contain all the details about the application process. In the meantime, use the contact details provided to receive the most up-to-date information regarding application to our programmes. The information on our old website ( may be outdated and is not to be relied on.
What are my opportunities after graduation?
VUM prides itself in the high number of students who are employed immediately after graduation. Most of our alumni take top positions as managers in renowned hotel chains, high-ranking bank officials, entrepreneurs, corporate officers. Our Career Centre is committed to keeping excellent relations with prestigious employers and we regularly host various hiring events where you can meet in person with your prospective employer. 
What kind of degree will I get? 
Our Master’s students receive either an MBA Master of Business Administration or a Master in International Hospitality and Tourism Management. They also get a British degree issued by Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK.
Can I combine work and study?
Our Master’s programmes are designed with working students in mind. Classes are set in the evening and on Saturdays. As our Master’s classes take place in our Varna and Sofia (the capital of the country) campuses, you will be able to take full advantage of the employment opportunities that a big city has to offer. 
Can I travel during my studies? 
As a Master’s student you have the opportunity to participate in the Erasmus + programme and spend a semester in another European university.
What is the language of instruction at VUM?
All classes are taught in English.
Where will I study? 
Master’s classes take place either in Varna or Sofia. 
Isn’t the tuition fee too high? 
Only for a fraction of the price for studying in the UK, at VUM, you can get a British diploma. Classes are small and you receive nearly individual attention. We take a lot of efforts to make sure that you will get real intership or placement. At the end of the day, adding the opportunity for a scholarship, the cost of studying at VUM is a good deal for what you get.

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available: Mon-Fri 10am–5pm GMT+3
tel: 00359 58 655 630
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Campus Varna - Varna University of Management
13 Oborishte Str.
9000 Varna, Bulgaria
Campus Varna Map - Varna University of Management
Campus Dobrich - Varna University of Management
3 Bulgaria Str.
9300 Dobrich, Bulgaria
Campus Dobrich - Varna University of Management
Campus Sofia - Varna University of Management
Tsarigradsko shosse 149 B
1784 Sofia, Bulgaria
Campus Sofia - Varna University of Management
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